
Here is a tutorial on Google Colab that shows how to use the experiment module

Create Experiment

labml.experiment.create(*, uuid: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, python_file: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, writers: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ignore_callers: Optional[Set[str]] = None, tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None, disable_screen: bool = False)[source]

Create an experiment

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str, optional) – name of the experiment

  • python_file (str, optional) – path of the Python file that created the experiment

  • comment (str, optional) – a short description of the experiment

  • writers (Set[str], optional) – list of writers to write stat to. Defaults to {'tensorboard', 'sqlite', 'web_api'}.

  • ignore_callers – (Set[str], optional): list of files to ignore when automatically determining python_file

  • tags (Set[str], optional) – Set of tags for experiment

labml.experiment.record(*, name: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, writers: Optional[Set[str]] = None, tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None, exp_conf: Optional[Dict[str, any]] = None, lab_conf: Optional[Dict[str, any]] = None, token: Optional[str] = None, disable_screen: bool = False)[source]

This combines create(), configs() and start().

Keyword Arguments
  • name (str, optional) – name of the experiment

  • comment (str, optional) – a short description of the experiment

  • writers (Set[str], optional) – list of writers to write stat to. Defaults to {'tensorboard', 'sqlite', 'web_api'}.

  • tags (Set[str], optional) – Set of tags for experiment

  • exp_conf (Dict[str, any], optional) – a dictionary of experiment configurations

  • lab_conf (Dict[str, any], optional) – a dictionary of configurations for LabML. Use this if you want to change default configurations such as web_api, and data_path.

  • token (str, optional) – a shortcut to provide LabML mobile app token (or url - web_api) instead of including it in lab_conf. You can set this with labml.lab.configure(), or with a configuration file for the entire project.


This should be used for evaluation of a saved experiment. This will not record anything.


Starts the experiment. Run it using with statement and it will monitor and report, experiment completion and exceptions.


Returns the UUID of the current experiment run


labml.experiment.load(run_uuid: str, checkpoint: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Loads a the run from a previous checkpoint. You need to separately call experiment.start to start the experiment.

  • run_uuid (str) – experiment will start from a saved state in the run with UUID run_uuid

  • checkpoint (str, optional) – if provided the experiment will start from given checkpoint. Otherwise it will start from the last checkpoint.

labml.experiment.load_models(models: List[str], run_uuid: str, checkpoint: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Loads and starts the run from a previous checkpoint.

  • models (List[str]) – List of names of models to be loaded

  • run_uuid (str) – experiment will start from a saved state in the run with UUID run_uuid

  • checkpoint (str, optional) – if provided the experiment will start from given checkpoint. Otherwise it will start from the last checkpoint.


Saves model checkpoints

labml.experiment.add_pytorch_models(**kwargs: torch.nn.Module)[source]
labml.experiment.add_pytorch_models(models: Dict[str, torch.nn.Module])

Set variables for saving and loading


models (Dict[str, torch.nn.Module]) – a dictionary of torch modules used in the experiment. These will be saved with labml.experiment.save_checkpoint() and loaded with labml.experiment.load().

labml.experiment.add_sklearn_models(models: Dict[str, any])[source]


This is still experimental.

Set variables for saving and loading


models (Dict[str, any]) – a dictionary of SKLearn models These will be saved with labml.experiment.save_checkpoint() and loaded with labml.experiment.load().

labml.experiment.add_model_savers(savers: Dict[str, ModelSaver])[source]

Add custom model savers


savers (Dict[str, ModelSaver]) – a dictionary of labml.experiment.ModelSaver. These will be saved with labml.experiment.save_checkpoint() and loaded with labml.experiment.load().

class labml.experiment.ModelSaver[source]

An abstract class defining model saver/loader.

The implementation should keep a reference to the model and load and save the model parameters.

save(checkpoint_path: Path) any[source]

Saves the model in the given checkpoint path


checkpoint_path (pathlib.Path) – The path to save the model at

Returns any meta info, such as the individual filename(s)

load(checkpoint_path: Path, info: any) None[source]

Loads the model from the given checkpoint path

  • checkpoint_path (pathlib.Path) – The path to load the model from

  • info (any) – The returned meta data when saving

Configurations & Hyper-parameters

labml.experiment.configs(conf_dict: Dict[str, any])[source]
labml.experiment.configs(conf_dict: Dict[str, any], conf_override: Dict[str, any])
labml.experiment.configs(conf: BaseConfigs)
labml.experiment.configs(conf: BaseConfigs, conf_override: Dict[str, any])

Calculate configurations

This has multiple overloads

labml.experiment.configs(conf_dict: Dict[str, any])[source]
labml.experiment.configs(conf_dict: Dict[str, any], conf_override: Dict[str, any])[source]
labml.experiment.configs(conf: BaseConfigs)[source]
labml.experiment.configs(conf: BaseConfigs, run_order: List[Union[List[str], str]])[source]
labml.experiment.configs(conf: BaseConfigs, *run_order: str)[source]
labml.experiment.configs(conf: BaseConfigs, conf_override: Dict[str, any])[source]
labml.experiment.configs(conf: BaseConfigs, conf_override: Dict[str, any], run_order: List[Union[List[str], str]])[source]
labml.experiment.configs(conf: BaseConfigs, conf_override: Dict[str, any], *run_order: str)[source]
  • conf (BaseConfigs, optional) – configurations object

  • conf_dict (Dict[str, any], optional) – a dictionary of configs

  • conf_override (Dict[str, any], optional) – a dictionary of configs to be overridden

labml.experiment.load_configs(run_uuid: str, *, is_only_hyperparam: bool = True)[source]

Load configs of a previous run


run_uuid (str) – if provided the experiment will start from a saved state in the run with UUID run_uuid

Keyword Arguments

is_only_hyperparam (bool, optional) – if True all only the hyper parameters are returned

Bundle checkpoints

labml.experiment.save_bundle(path: Path, run_uuid: str, checkpoint: Optional[int] = None, *, data_files: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]

Create a .tar.gz file with the configs and checkpoints that can be distributed and loaded easily.

  • path (Path) – .tar.gz file path

  • run_uuid (str) – experiment run to bundle

  • checkpoint (str, optional) – if provided the given checkpoint will be bundled. Otherwise it will bundle the last checkpoint.

  • data_files – List of data files (relative to labml.lab.get_data_path()) to be bundled.

labml.experiment.load_bundle(path: Path, *, url: Optional[str] = None) Tuple[str, int][source]

Extract a bundle into experiments folder and returns the run_uuid and checkpoint.

  • path (Path) – .tar.gz file path

  • url (str) – url to download the .tar.gz file from

Distirbuted training

labml.experiment.distributed(rank: int, world_size: int)[source]

Set the rank and world_size of the current process in an distributed training setup.

  • rank (int) – rank of the current process

  • world_size (int) – number of training processes


labml.experiment.save_numpy(name: str, array: ndarray)[source]

Saves a single numpy array. This is used to save processed data.