Source code for labml.experiment

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Set, Dict, List, TYPE_CHECKING, overload, Tuple

import numpy as np

from labml.configs import BaseConfigs
from labml.internal.experiment import \
    create_experiment as _create_experiment, \
    experiment_singleton as _experiment_singleton, \
from labml.internal.experiment.experiment_run import \
    get_configs as _get_configs, \
    save_bundle as _save_bundle, \
    load_bundle as _load_bundle
from labml.internal.monitor import monitor_singleton as monitor

    import torch

AVAILABLE_WRITERS = {'screen', 'web_api', 'sqlite', 'tensorboard', 'wandb', 'comet', 'file'}

def generate_uuid() -> str:
    from uuid import uuid1
    return uuid1().hex

[docs]def save_checkpoint(): r""" Saves model checkpoints """ _experiment_singleton().save_checkpoint()
[docs]def get_uuid(): r""" Returns the UUID of the current experiment run """ return _experiment_singleton().run.uuid
[docs]def create(*, uuid: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, python_file: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, writers: Set[str] = None, ignore_callers: Set[str] = None, tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None, disable_screen: bool = False): r""" Create an experiment Keyword Arguments: name (str, optional): name of the experiment python_file (str, optional): path of the Python file that created the experiment comment (str, optional): a short description of the experiment writers (Set[str], optional): list of writers to write stat to. Defaults to ``{'tensorboard', 'sqlite', 'web_api'}``. ignore_callers: (Set[str], optional): list of files to ignore when automatically determining ``python_file`` tags (Set[str], optional): Set of tags for experiment """ if writers is None: writers = {'screen', 'sqlite', 'web_api'} from labml.internal.util.tensorboard_writer import has_tensorboard if has_tensorboard(): writers.add('tensorboard') if 'labml' in writers: writers.remove('labml') writers.add('web_api') for w in writers: if w not in AVAILABLE_WRITERS: raise ValueError(f'Unknown writer: {w}') if disable_screen and 'screen' in writers: writers.remove('screen') if ignore_callers is None: ignore_callers = set() if uuid is None: uuid = generate_uuid() monitor().clear() _create_experiment(uuid=uuid, name=name, python_file=python_file, comment=comment, writers=writers, ignore_callers=ignore_callers, tags=tags, is_evaluate=False)
[docs]def evaluate(): r""" This should be used for evaluation of a saved experiment. This will not record anything. """ monitor().clear() _create_experiment(uuid=generate_uuid(), name=None, python_file=None, comment=None, writers=set(), ignore_callers=set(), tags=None, is_evaluate=True)
[docs]def distributed(rank: int, world_size: int): """ Set the ``rank`` and ``world_size`` of the current process in an distributed training setup. Arguments: rank (int): rank of the current process world_size (int): number of training processes """ _experiment_singleton().distributed(rank, world_size)
[docs]def add_model_savers(savers: Dict[str, ModelSaver]): """ Add custom model savers Arguments: savers (Dict[str, ModelSaver]): a dictionary of :class:`labml.experiment.ModelSaver`. These will be saved with :func:`labml.experiment.save_checkpoint` and loaded with :func:`labml.experiment.load`. """ _experiment_singleton().checkpoint_saver.add_savers(savers)
@overload def add_pytorch_models(**kwargs: 'torch.nn.Module'): ... @overload def add_pytorch_models(models: Dict[str, 'torch.nn.Module']): ...
[docs]def add_pytorch_models(*args, **kwargs): """ Set variables for saving and loading Arguments: models (Dict[str, torch.nn.Module]): a dictionary of torch modules used in the experiment. These will be saved with :func:`labml.experiment.save_checkpoint` and loaded with :func:`labml.experiment.load`. """ from labml.internal.experiment.pytorch import add_models as _add_pytorch_models if len(args) > 0: assert len(args) == 1 assert isinstance(args[0], dict) _add_pytorch_models(args[0]) else: _add_pytorch_models(kwargs)
[docs]def add_sklearn_models(models: Dict[str, any]): """ .. warning:: This is still experimental. Set variables for saving and loading Arguments: models (Dict[str, any]): a dictionary of SKLearn models These will be saved with :func:`labml.experiment.save_checkpoint` and loaded with :func:`labml.experiment.load`. """ from labml.internal.experiment.sklearn import add_models as _add_sklearn_models _add_sklearn_models(models)
@overload def configs(conf_dict: Dict[str, any]): ... @overload def configs(conf_dict: Dict[str, any], conf_override: Dict[str, any]): ... @overload def configs(conf: BaseConfigs): ... @overload def configs(conf: BaseConfigs, conf_override: Dict[str, any]): ...
[docs]def configs(*args): r""" Calculate configurations This has multiple overloads .. function:: configs(conf_dict: Dict[str, any]) :noindex: .. function:: configs(conf_dict: Dict[str, any], conf_override: Dict[str, any]) :noindex: .. function:: configs(conf: BaseConfigs) :noindex: .. function:: configs(conf: BaseConfigs, run_order: List[Union[List[str], str]]) :noindex: .. function:: configs(conf: BaseConfigs, *run_order: str) :noindex: .. function:: configs(conf: BaseConfigs, conf_override: Dict[str, any]) :noindex: .. function:: configs(conf: BaseConfigs, conf_override: Dict[str, any], run_order: List[Union[List[str], str]]) :noindex: .. function:: configs(conf: BaseConfigs, conf_override: Dict[str, any], *run_order: str) :noindex: Arguments: conf (BaseConfigs, optional): configurations object conf_dict (Dict[str, any], optional): a dictionary of configs conf_override (Dict[str, any], optional): a dictionary of configs to be overridden """ conf_override: Optional[Dict[str, any]] = None conf = args[0] idx = 1 if idx < len(args) and isinstance(args[idx], dict): conf_override = args[idx] idx += 1 if len(args) != idx: raise RuntimeError("Invalid call to calculate configs") if isinstance(conf, BaseConfigs): _experiment_singleton().calc_configs(conf, conf_override) elif isinstance(conf, dict): _experiment_singleton().calc_configs(conf, conf_override) else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid call to calculate configs")
_load_run_uuid: Optional[str] = None _load_checkpoint: Optional[int] = None
[docs]def start(): r""" Starts the experiment. Run it using ``with`` statement and it will monitor and report, experiment completion and exceptions. """ global _load_run_uuid global _load_checkpoint return _experiment_singleton().start(run_uuid=_load_run_uuid, checkpoint=_load_checkpoint)
[docs]def load_configs(run_uuid: str, *, is_only_hyperparam: bool = True): r""" Load configs of a previous run Arguments: run_uuid (str): if provided the experiment will start from a saved state in the run with UUID ``run_uuid`` Keyword Arguments: is_only_hyperparam (bool, optional): if True all only the hyper parameters are returned """ conf = _get_configs(run_uuid) if not conf: return {} values = {} for k, c in conf.items(): is_hyperparam = c.get('is_hyperparam', None) is_explicit = c.get('is_explicitly_specified', False) if not is_only_hyperparam: values[k] = c['value'] elif is_hyperparam is None and is_explicit: values[k] = c['value'] elif is_hyperparam: values[k] = c['value'] return values
[docs]def load(run_uuid: str, checkpoint: Optional[int] = None): r""" Loads a the run from a previous checkpoint. You need to separately call ``experiment.start`` to start the experiment. Arguments: run_uuid (str): experiment will start from a saved state in the run with UUID ``run_uuid`` checkpoint (str, optional): if provided the experiment will start from given checkpoint. Otherwise it will start from the last checkpoint. """ global _load_run_uuid global _load_checkpoint _load_run_uuid = run_uuid _load_checkpoint = checkpoint
[docs]def save_bundle(path: Path, run_uuid: str, checkpoint: Optional[int] = None, *, data_files: List[str] = None): """ Create a ``.tar.gz`` file with the configs and checkpoints that can be distributed and loaded easily. Arguments: path (Path): ``.tar.gz`` file path run_uuid (str): experiment run to bundle checkpoint (str, optional): if provided the given checkpoint will be bundled. Otherwise it will bundle the last checkpoint. data_files: List of data files (relative to :func:`labml.lab.get_data_path`) to be bundled. """ if data_files is None: data_files = [] if not checkpoint: checkpoint = -1 _save_bundle(path, run_uuid, checkpoint, data_files=data_files)
[docs]def load_bundle(path: Path, *, url: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[str, int]: """ Extract a bundle into experiments folder and returns the ``run_uuid`` and checkpoint. Arguments: path (Path): ``.tar.gz`` file path url (str): url to download the ``.tar.gz`` file from """ return _load_bundle(path, url=url)
[docs]def load_models(models: List[str], run_uuid: str, checkpoint: Optional[int] = None): r""" Loads and starts the run from a previous checkpoint. Arguments: models (List[str]): List of names of models to be loaded run_uuid (str): experiment will start from a saved state in the run with UUID ``run_uuid`` checkpoint (str, optional): if provided the experiment will start from given checkpoint. Otherwise it will start from the last checkpoint. """ _experiment_singleton().load_models(models=models, run_uuid=run_uuid, checkpoint=checkpoint)
[docs]def save_numpy(name: str, array: np.ndarray): r""" Saves a single numpy array. This is used to save processed data. """ numpy_path = Path(_experiment_singleton().run.numpy_path) if not numpy_path.exists(): numpy_path.mkdir(parents=True) file_name = name + ".npy" / file_name), array)
[docs]def record(*, name: Optional[str] = None, comment: Optional[str] = None, writers: Set[str] = None, tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None, exp_conf: Dict[str, any] = None, lab_conf: Dict[str, any] = None, token: str = None, disable_screen: bool = False): r""" This combines :func:`create`, :func:`configs` and :func:`start`. Keyword Arguments: name (str, optional): name of the experiment comment (str, optional): a short description of the experiment writers (Set[str], optional): list of writers to write stat to. Defaults to ``{'tensorboard', 'sqlite', 'web_api'}``. tags (Set[str], optional): Set of tags for experiment exp_conf (Dict[str, any], optional): a dictionary of experiment configurations lab_conf (Dict[str, any], optional): a dictionary of configurations for LabML. Use this if you want to change default configurations such as ``web_api``, and ``data_path``. token (str, optional): a shortcut to provide LabML mobile app token (or url - ``web_api``) instead of including it in ``lab_conf``. You can set this with :func:`labml.lab.configure`, `or with a configuration file for the entire project <../guide/installation_setup.html>`_. """ if token is not None: if lab_conf is None: lab_conf = {} lab_conf['web_api'] = token if lab_conf is not None: from labml.internal.lab import lab_singleton as _internal _internal().set_configurations(lab_conf) create(name=name, python_file=None, comment=comment, writers=writers, ignore_callers=None, tags=tags, disable_screen=disable_screen) if exp_conf is not None: configs(exp_conf) return start()