Source code for

from typing import Tuple, Optional, List, overload, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

    import torch

from import cache as _cache
from import density as _density
from import histogram as _histogram
from import scatter as _scatter
from import binned_heatmap as _binned_heatmap
from import IndicatorCollection as _IndicatorCollection
from import ModelProbe as _ModelProbe
from import ValueCollection as _ValueCollection
from import DeepValueCollection as _DeepValueCollection
from import text_attention as _text_attention
from import init_inline_viz as _init_inline_viz

def _remove_names_prefix(names: List[Union[str, List[str]]]) -> List[str]:
    if len(names) == 0:
        return []

    if isinstance(names[0], list):
        common = names[0]
        common = None

    for n in names:
        if common is None:
        if not isinstance(n, list):
            common = None
        merge = []
        for x, y in zip(common, n):
            if x != y:
        common = merge

    res = []
    for n in names:
        if isinstance(n, list):
            if common is not None:
                n = [p for i, p in enumerate(n) if i > len(common) or p != common[i]]
            n = '-'.join(n)


    return res

[docs]class IndicatorCollection(_IndicatorCollection): r""" You can get a indicator collection with :func:`runs`. >>> from labml import analytics >>> indicators = analytics.runs('1d3f855874d811eabb9359457a24edc8') You can reference individual indicators as attributes. >>> train_loss = indicators.train_loss You can add multiple indicator collections >>> losses = indicators.train_loss + indicators.validation_loss """ pass
[docs]class ModelProbe(_ModelProbe): r""" You can wrap any PyTorch model with :class:`ModelProbe` to access it's parameters, activations and gradients. `Here's a notebook with example usage <>`_ >>> from import ModelProbe >>> probe = ModelProbe(model) >>> outputs = model(inputs) >>> outputs.backward() >>> probe.forward_output["*attention*"].get_dict() >>> probe.parameters['*.bias'].get_list() """ pass
[docs]class ValueCollection(_ValueCollection): pass
[docs]class DeepValueCollection(_DeepValueCollection): pass
def text_attention(attn: 'torch.Tensor', src_tokens: List[str], tgt_tokens: List[str]): _text_attention(attn, src_tokens, tgt_tokens) def init_inline_viz(): _init_inline_viz()
[docs]def runs(*uuids: str): r""" This is used to analyze runs. It fetches all the log indicators. Arguments: uuids (str): UUIDs of the runs. You can get this from ` app <>`_ Example: >>> from labml import analytics >>> indicators = analytics.runs('1d3f855874d811eabb9359457a24edc8') """ indicators = None for r in uuids: run = _cache.get_run(r) indicators = indicators + run.indicators return indicators
def get_experiment_runs(experiment_name: str): return _cache.get_experiment_runs(experiment_name)
[docs]def get_run(uuid: str): r""" Returns ``Run`` object """ return _cache.get_run(uuid)
[docs]def set_preferred_db(db: str): """ Set the preference to load data from. Arguments: db (str): Either ``tensorboard`` or ``sqlite`` """ if db not in ['tensorboard', 'sqlite']: raise ValueError('db should be one of tensorboard or sqlite') _cache.set_preferred_db(db)
@overload def distribution(indicators: IndicatorCollection, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, levels: int = 5, alpha: int = 0.6, color_scheme: str = 'tableau10', height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): ... @overload def distribution(series: List[Union[np.ndarray, 'torch.Tensor']], *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, levels: int = 5, alpha: int = 0.6, color_scheme: str = 'tableau10', height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): ... @overload def distribution(series: List[Union[np.ndarray, 'torch.Tensor']], step: np.ndarray, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, levels: int = 5, alpha: int = 0.6, color_scheme: str = 'tableau10', height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): ... @overload def distribution(series: Union[np.ndarray, 'torch.Tensor'], *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, levels: int = 5, alpha: int = 0.6, color_scheme: str = 'tableau10', height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): ...
[docs]def distribution(*args: any, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, levels: int = 5, alpha: int = 0.6, color_scheme: str = 'tableau10', height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): r""" Creates a distribution plot distribution with Altair This has multiple overloads .. function:: distribution(indicators: IndicatorCollection, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, levels: int = 5, alpha: int = 0.6, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100) :noindex: .. function:: distribution(series: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, levels: int = 5, alpha: int = 0.6, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100) :noindex: .. function:: distribution(series: List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]], *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, levels: int = 5, alpha: int = 0.6, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100) :noindex: .. function:: distribution(series: List[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]], step: np.ndarray, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, levels: int = 5, alpha: int = 0.6, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100) :noindex: Arguments: indicators(IndicatorCollection): Set of indicators to be plotted series(List[np.ndarray]): List of series of data step(np.ndarray): Steps Keyword Arguments: names(List[str]): List of names of series levels: how many levels of the distribution to be plotted alpha: opacity of the distribution color_scheme: color scheme height: height of the visualization width: width of the visualization height_minimap: height of the view finder Return: The Altair visualization Example: >>> from labml import analytics >>> indicators = analytics.runs('1d3f855874d811eabb9359457a24edc8') >>> analytics.distribution(indicators) """ series = None step = None if len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], _IndicatorCollection): series, names_ = _cache.get_indicators_data(args[0]) if not series: raise ValueError("No series found") if names is None: names = names_ elif isinstance(args[0], list): series = args[0] else: series = [args[0]] elif len(args) == 2: series = args[0] step = args[1] if names is None: digits = len(str(len(series))) names = [str(i + 1).zfill(digits) for i in range(len(series))] if series is None: raise ValueError("distribution should be called with an indicator collection" " or a series. Check documentation for details.") names = _remove_names_prefix(names) tables = _density.data_to_table(series, names, step) return _density.render( tables, levels=levels, alpha=alpha, color_scheme=color_scheme, width=width, height=height, height_minimap=height_minimap)
[docs]def histogram(series: Union[np.ndarray, 'torch.Tensor'], *, low: Optional[float] = None, high: Optional[float] = None, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): r""" Creates a histogram with Altair Arguments: series(Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): Data Keyword Arguments: low: values less than this are ignored high: values greater than this are ignored height: height of the visualization width: width of the visualization height_minimap: height of the view finder Return: The Altair visualization """ table = _histogram.data_to_table(series, low, high) return _histogram.render( table, width=width, height=height, height_minimap=height_minimap)
@overload def scatter(indicators: IndicatorCollection, x_indicators: IndicatorCollection, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, noise: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, circle_size: int = 20, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): ... @overload def scatter(series: List[np.ndarray], x_series: np.ndarray, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, noise: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, circle_size: int = 20, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): ...
[docs]def scatter(*args: any, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, noise: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, circle_size: int = 20, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): r""" Creates a scatter plot with Altair This has multiple overloads .. function:: scatter(indicators: IndicatorCollection, x_indicators: IndicatorCollection, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, noise: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, circle_size: int = 20, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100) :noindex: .. function:: scatter(series: List[np.ndarray], x_series: np.ndarray, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, noise: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, circle_size: int = 20, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100) :noindex: Arguments: indicators(IndicatorCollection): Set of indicators to be plotted x_indicators(IndicatorCollection): Indicator for x-axis series(List[np.ndarray]): List of series of data x_series(np.ndarray): X series of data Keyword Arguments: names(List[str]): List of names of series name(str): Name of X series noise: Noise to be added to spread out the scatter plot circle_size: size of circles in the plot height: height of the visualization width: width of the visualization height_minimap: height of the view finder Return: The Altair visualization :Example: >>> from labml import analytics >>> indicators = analytics.runs('1d3f855874d811eabb9359457a24edc8') >>> analytics.scatter(indicators.validation_loss, indicators.train_loss) """ series = None x_series = None if len(args) == 2: if isinstance(args[0], _IndicatorCollection) and isinstance(args[1], _IndicatorCollection): series, names_ = _cache.get_indicators_data(args[0]) x_series, x_name_ = _cache.get_indicators_data(args[1]) if len(x_series) != 1: raise ValueError("There should be exactly one series for x-axis") if not series: raise ValueError("No series found") x_series = x_series[0] if x_name is None: x_name = x_name_[0] if names is None: names = names_ elif isinstance(args[0], list): series = args[0] x_series = args[1] if series is None: raise ValueError("scatter should be called with an indicator collection" " or a series. Check documentation for details.") if x_name is None: x_name = 'x' if names is None: names = [f'{i + 1}' for i in range(len(series))] tables = [_scatter.data_to_table(s, x_series, noise) for s in series] names = _remove_names_prefix(names) return _scatter.render( tables, names=names, x_name=x_name, width=width, height=height, height_minimap=height_minimap, circle_size=circle_size)
@overload def binned_heatmap(indicators: IndicatorCollection, x_indicators: IndicatorCollection, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): ... @overload def binned_heatmap(series: List[np.ndarray], x_series: np.ndarray, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): ...
[docs]def binned_heatmap(*args: any, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100): r""" Creates a scatter plot with Altair This has multiple overloads .. function:: binned_heatmap(indicators: IndicatorCollection, x_indicators: IndicatorCollection, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100) :noindex: .. function:: binned_heatmap(series: List[np.ndarray], x_series: np.ndarray, *, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, x_name: Optional[str] = None, height: int = 400, width: int = 800, height_minimap: int = 100) :noindex: Arguments: indicators(IndicatorCollection): Set of indicators to be plotted x_indicators(IndicatorCollection): Indicator for x-axis series(List[np.ndarray]): List of series of data x_series(np.ndarray): X series of data Keyword Arguments: names(List[str]): List of names of series name(str): Name of X series noise: Noise to be added to spread out the scatter plot circle_size: size of circles in the plot height: height of the visualization width: width of the visualization height_minimap: height of the view finder Return: The Altair visualization Example: >>> from labml import analytics >>> indicators = analytics.runs('1d3f855874d811eabb9359457a24edc8') >>> analytics.scatter(indicators.validation_loss, indicators.train_loss) """ series = None x_series = None if len(args) == 2: if isinstance(args[0], _IndicatorCollection) and isinstance(args[1], _IndicatorCollection): series, names_ = _cache.get_indicators_data(args[0]) x_series, x_name_ = _cache.get_indicators_data(args[1]) if len(x_series) != 1: raise ValueError("There should be exactly one series for x-axis") if not series: raise ValueError("No series found") x_series = x_series[0] if x_name is None: x_name = x_name_[0] if names is None: names = names_ elif isinstance(args[0], list): series = args[0] x_series = args[1] if series is None: raise ValueError("scatter should be called with an indicator collection" " or a series. Check documentation for details.") if x_name is None: x_name = 'x' if names is None: names = [f'{i + 1}' for i in range(len(series))] tables = [_binned_heatmap.data_to_table(s, x_series) for s in series] names = _remove_names_prefix(names) return _binned_heatmap.render( tables, names=names, x_name=x_name, width=width, height=height, height_minimap=height_minimap)
[docs]def indicator_data(indicators: IndicatorCollection) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[List[str]]]: r""" Returns a tuple of a list of series and a list of names of series. Each series, `S` is a timeseries of histograms of shape `[T, 10]`, where `T` is the number of timesteps. `S[:, 0]` is the `global_step`. `S[:, 1:10]` represents the distribution at basis points `0, 6.68, 15.87, 30.85, 50.00, 69.15, 84.13, 93.32, 100.00`. Example: >>> from labml import analytics >>> indicators = analytics.runs('1d3f855874d811eabb9359457a24edc8') >>> analytics.indicator_data(indicators) """ series, names = _cache.get_indicators_data(indicators) if not series: raise ValueError("No series found") return series, names
[docs]def artifact_data(indicators: IndicatorCollection) -> Tuple[List[any], List[str]]: r""" Returns a tuple of a list of series and a list of names of series. Each series, ``S`` is a timeseries of histograms of shape ``[T, 10]``, where ``T`` is the number of timesteps. ``S[:, 0]`` is the `global_step`. ``S[:, 1:10]`` represents the distribution at basis points: ``0, 6.68, 15.87, 30.85, 50.00, 69.15, 84.13, 93.32, 100.00``. Example: >>> from labml import analytics >>> indicators = analytics.runs('1d3f855874d811eabb9359457a24edc8') >>> analytics.artifact_data(indicators) """ series, names = _cache.get_artifacts_data(indicators) if not series: raise ValueError("No series found") return series, names